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==============================================QBase v4.0==============================================This HELP file can be viewed using Word or any other word processing package.The installation program automatically updates previous versions of the main QBase program.==============================================INTRODUCTION==============================================QBase is an interactive MCQ examination system on CD-ROM designed for candidates revising for negatively marked MCQ examinations. The computer allows you to access the questions on the disk as mock exams or by your selection of revision topic and number of questions. The electronic format incorporates automatic marking, result analysis and the ability to save practice exams for future reference/review.The QBase CD-ROM must be in the drive to run the program. It contains the full question set and the five or six complete MCQ examinations as presented in the book. You will be able to generate other customised practice exams using QBase. The questions will be selected at random based on your choices. These exams can be stored as files on your hard disk for later review. You should store them in the exams directory which is within the main QBase directory on your hard disk. These are identified as files with a ".exm" extension after the filename you chose when you saved the exam.QBase has been designed to allow you to assess your level of knowledge and improve your exam technique in order to maximise your final score. It is no substitute for thorough revision. However it will highlight areas of weakness in both technique and knowledge that require further attention. The computerised marking and result analysis system eliminates the time wasted performing these tasks manually and allows you to concentrate on revision rather than marking your exam papers.The program has been designed to be easy to use and allow you to build customised exams for revision or assessment based on your choice of subject or subjects and the number of questions you would like to be assessed on.PLEASE NOTETHIS IS VERSION 3.0 OF THE QBASE PROGRAMIT WILL AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE PROGRAM IF INSTALLED INTO THE SAME DIRECTORY*** EXAM 6 ***This version of QBase allows 6 predefined exams to be loaded on the CD-ROMNot all QBase publications contain 6 exams. If this is the case, selecting the Exam 6 button will result in an error message. Select OK and choose another exam or go to the main menu screen.This change allows the program to be used for publications containing either 5 or 6 practice examinations.To load QBase follow the instructions on the last page of the book and included in the README.txt file which is on the CD-Rom.PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR MONITOR OPTIONS ARE SET TO DISPLAY SMALL FONTS.See your Computer User Manual or Help File for details on how to do this.NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 3.0The exam analysis features of QBase have been enhanced in version 3.0 along with minor bug fixesOn the Analysis of Exam screen there are 2 new buttonsSummary - this button allows you to view and print a summary of your exam performance with reference to the number of questions answered correctly, incorrectly and as don't know. The analysis is broken down by the subjects chosen for the exam being performed and allows you to see your strengths and weakness by reference to these subjects.Change Subject - this button allows you to examine your performance in the exams in detail by reference to individual subjects. If click on this button you can scroll through the subjects you selected for this exam and look at your performance in each subject. If you have chosen to use the confidence option for the paper, once you have selected the confidence option button, the change subject button will also give you the confidence option analysis for each subject. In both cases the subject to which the analysis refers is visible in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will read All Subjects when referring to the whole paper or the subject that is being analysed. Click the button to cycle through the subjects in your paper before returning to All Subjects.==============================================INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE==============================================QUICK START MENU==============================================5/6 MCQ examinations have been preloaded onto the CD-ROM.These correspond to the exams as presented in the accompanying book.Select one of the 6 buttons labelled EXAM 1....EXAM 6 to try one of these exams.NB Some QBase publications do not have a preloaded EXAM 6. Select another exam button or main menu if this is the case.Select MAIN MENU to enter the main program and view other options available.Select CREATE YOUR OWN EXAM to construct your own exam (see later).==============================================MAIN MENU==============================================The following options are availableAUTOSET AN EXAMThe computer automatically sets a paper based on the recognised exam structure for which this CD has been developed.CREATE YOUR OWN EXAMAllows you to select the subjects and number of questions to be included in a practice exam.Use the left and right arrows to select the number of questions required from each subject. You may choose any combination of subjects and number of questions.REVIEW PREVIOUS EXAMAllows you to review any exam that was previously saved. Use this option to return to an exam that you may not have completed due to an interruption or to review your answers at a later stage. The exam is reloaded into the system with your previous responses restored providing you saved it before returning to the Main Menu.RESIT EXAMResit a previous exam. The last score is stored but your previous responses are cleared so that you can resit the exam exactly as before.RESIT SHUFFLED EXAMResit a previous exam as above. The five leaves to the questions are randomly shuffled. This feature is useful when you want to reassess your performance on a previous exam. Shuffling the leaves eliminates PATTERN RECOGNITION that may falsely elevate your score.This Function has been disabled in some versions of QBase where the attached notes refer to specific leaves of a question.QUICKSTART MENUReturn to first menu you encountered.EXITLeave QBase and return to Windows.==============================================When you select one of these options the computer will generate the exam paper based on your selection.You will be asked whether you would like to MONITOR YOUR CONFIDENCE LEVEL for each answer. Select YES if you wish to do so.CONFIDENCE LEVEL==============================================This option allows you to tag each of your answers with a level of certainty. The options available are:PositiveYou are sure you know the answer to this part of the question.Educated GuessYou know something about the subject and can make an educated guess based on that knowledge.Wild GuessYou have no idea and your response is a stab in the dark.The Confidence Level Option will allow you to review your exam technique at the end of the paper.Individuals vary as to the definitions of an educated guess or wild guess. This does not matter provided that you understand what level of confidence you assign and expect from the categories available.==============================================QBASE EXAMINATION SCREEN==============================================The questions are presented with a Main Stem and 5 Leaves/Parts labeled A to E.Select the answer True, False or DK (Don't Know) by using the left mouse button mouse to click in the centre of the appropriate radio button. Clicking again on a selected option will your selection. The options are mutually exclusive. Only one selection is possible. There is no penalty or negative score for DK or unanswered questions.==============================================SHOW NOTESShow the notes for this question including references.Some versions of QBase do not contain notes and this button has been disabled or removed.SHOW ANSWERSShow the answers for approximately 1 second if you wish to cheat and have a look.The answers are permanently displayed when you review the paper at the end of the exam.CHECK SCOREShows your score without telling you which parts are right or wrong. Useful in when revising and trying to work out where you might have gone wrong.SHOW IMAGESome questions may have a picture or table associated with them. This button will be visible if that is the case. Use the Windows close box (top right of picture) to close the picture.THESE OPTIONS ARE PROVIDED TO ASSIST YOUR REVISION. IF USING THE PROGRAM FOR FORMAL SELF ASSESSMENT WE SUGGEST THAT YOU RESERVE LOOKING AT THE ANSWERS AND NOTES UNTIL THE END OF THE EXAM WHEN YOU REVIEW THE PAPER.==============================================PREVIOUS/NEXT QUESTIONNavigate forwards and backwards through the questions. Hold the mouse button down to scroll through the questions quickly.EXAM COMPLETEDSelect this option once you have finished the exam OR HAVE BEEN INTERRUPTED. The paper will automatically be marked and you will go to the ANALYSIS OF EXAM SCREEN.You will be given the option to SAVE THIS EXAM before returning to the main menu.If you wish to do so, select YES and enter the exam name in the standard Windows dialog box. If you have previously saved this exam, using the same name will overwrite the previous attempt. You can select into which folder/directory you save the exam. In order to keep all you practice exams together, you should save them into... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
==============================================QBase v4.0==============================================This HELP file can be viewed using Word or any other word processing package.The installation program automatically updates previous versions of the main QBase program.==============================================INTRODUCTION==============================================QBase is an interactive MCQ examination system on CD-ROM designed for candidates revising for negatively marked MCQ examinations. The computer allows you to access the questions on the disk as mock exams or by your selection of revision topic and number of questions. The electronic format incorporates automatic marking, result analysis and the ability to save practice exams for future reference/review.The QBase CD-ROM must be in the drive to run the program. It contains the full question set and the five or six complete MCQ examinations as presented in the book. You will be able to generate other customised practice exams using QBase. The questions will be selected at random based on your choices. These exams can be stored as files on your hard disk for later review. You should store them in the exams directory which is within the main QBase directory on your hard disk. These are identified as files with a ".exm" extension after the filename you chose when you saved the exam.QBase has been designed to allow you to assess your level of knowledge and improve your exam technique in order to maximise your final score. It is no substitute for thorough revision. However it will highlight areas of weakness in both technique and knowledge that require further attention. The computerised marking and result analysis system eliminates the time wasted performing these tasks manually and allows you to concentrate on revision rather than marking your exam papers.The program has been designed to be easy to use and allow you to build customised exams for revision or assessment based on your choice of subject or subjects and the number of questions you would like to be assessed on.PLEASE NOTETHIS IS VERSION 3.0 OF THE QBASE PROGRAMIT WILL AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE PROGRAM IF INSTALLED INTO THE SAME DIRECTORY*** EXAM 6 ***This version of QBase allows 6 predefined exams to be loaded on the CD-ROMNot all QBase publications contain 6 exams. If this is the case, selecting the Exam 6 button will result in an error message. Select OK and choose another exam or go to the main menu screen.This change allows the program to be used for publications containing either 5 or 6 practice examinations.To load QBase follow the instructions on the last page of the book and included in the README.txt file which is on the CD-Rom.PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR MONITOR OPTIONS ARE SET TO DISPLAY SMALL FONTS.See your Computer User Manual or Help File for details on how to do this.NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 3.0The exam analysis features of QBase have been enhanced in version 3.0 along with minor bug fixesOn the Analysis of Exam screen there are 2 new buttonsSummary - this button allows you to view and print a summary of your exam performance with reference to the number of questions answered correctly, incorrectly and as don't know. The analysis is broken down by the subjects chosen for the exam being performed and allows you to see your strengths and weakness by reference to these subjects.Change Subject - this button allows you to examine your performance in the exams in detail by reference to individual subjects. If click on this button you can scroll through the subjects you selected for this exam and look at your performance in each subject. If you have chosen to use the confidence option for the paper, once you have selected the confidence option button, the change subject button will also give you the confidence option analysis for each subject. In both cases the subject to which the analysis refers is visible in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will read All Subjects when referring to the whole paper or the subject that is being analysed. Click the button to cycle through the subjects in your paper before returning to All Subjects.==============================================INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE==============================================QUICK START MENU==============================================5/6 MCQ examinations have been preloaded onto the CD-ROM.These correspond to the exams as presented in the accompanying book.Select one of the 6 buttons labelled EXAM 1....EXAM 6 to try one of these exams.NB Some QBase publications do not have a preloaded EXAM 6. Select another exam button or main menu if this is the case.Select MAIN MENU to enter the main program and view other options available.Select CREATE YOUR OWN EXAM to construct your own exam (see later).==============================================MAIN MENU==============================================The following options are availableAUTOSET AN EXAMThe computer automatically sets a paper based on the recognised exam structure for which this CD has been developed.CREATE YOUR OWN EXAMAllows you to select the subjects and number of questions to be included in a practice exam.Use the left and right arrows to select the number of questions required from each subject. You may choose any combination of subjects and number of questions.REVIEW PREVIOUS EXAMAllows you to review any exam that was previously saved. Use this option to return to an exam that you may not have completed due to an interruption or to review your answers at a later stage. The exam is reloaded into the system with your previous responses restored providing you saved it before returning to the Main Menu.RESIT EXAMResit a previous exam. The last score is stored but your previous responses are cleared so that you can resit the exam exactly as before.RESIT SHUFFLED EXAMResit a previous exam as above. The five leaves to the questions are randomly shuffled. This feature is useful when you want to reassess your performance on a previous exam. Shuffling the leaves eliminates PATTERN RECOGNITION that may falsely elevate your score.This Function has been disabled in some versions of QBase where the attached notes refer to specific leaves of a question.QUICKSTART MENUReturn to first menu you encountered.EXITLeave QBase and return to Windows.==============================================When you select one of these options the computer will generate the exam paper based on your selection.You will be asked whether you would like to MONITOR YOUR CONFIDENCE LEVEL for each answer. Select YES if you wish to do so.CONFIDENCE LEVEL==============================================This option allows you to tag each of your answers with a level of certainty. The options available are:PositiveYou are sure you know the answer to this part of the question.Educated GuessYou know something about the subject and can make an educated guess based on that knowledge.Wild GuessYou have no idea and your response is a stab in the dark.The Confidence Level Option will allow you to review your exam technique at the end of the paper.Individuals vary as to the definitions of an educated guess or wild guess. This does not matter provided that you understand what level of confidence you assign and expect from the categories available.==============================================QBASE EXAMINATION SCREEN==============================================The questions are presented with a Main Stem and 5 Leaves/Parts labeled A to E.Select the answer True, False or DK (Don't Know) by using the left mouse button mouse to click in the centre of the appropriate radio button. Clicking again on a selected option will your selection. The options are mutually exclusive. Only one selection is possible. There is no penalty or negative score for DK or unanswered questions.==============================================SHOW NOTESShow the notes for this question including references.Some versions of QBase do not contain notes and this button has been disabled or removed.SHOW ANSWERSShow the answers for approximately 1 second if you wish to cheat and have a look.The answers are permanently displayed when you review the paper at the end of the exam.CHECK SCOREShows your score without telling you which parts are right or wrong. Useful in when revising and trying to work out where you might have gone wrong.SHOW IMAGESome questions may have a picture or table associated with them. This button will be visible if that is the case. Use the Windows close box (top right of picture) to close the picture.THESE OPTIONS ARE PROVIDED TO ASSIST YOUR REVISION. IF USING THE PROGRAM FOR FORMAL SELF ASSESSMENT WE SUGGEST THAT YOU RESERVE LOOKING AT THE ANSWERS AND NOTES UNTIL THE END OF THE EXAM WHEN YOU REVIEW THE PAPER.==============================================PREVIOUS/NEXT QUESTIONNavigate forwards and backwards through the questions. Hold the mouse button down to scroll through the questions quickly.EXAM COMPLETEDSelect this option once you have finished the exam OR HAVE BEEN INTERRUPTED. The paper will automatically be marked and you will go to the ANALYSIS OF EXAM SCREEN.You will be given the option to SAVE THIS EXAM before returning to the main menu.If you wish to do so, select YES and enter the exam name in the standard Windows dialog box. If you have previously saved this exam, using the same name will overwrite the previous attempt. You can select into which folder/directory you save the exam. In order to keep all you practice exams together, you should save them into... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]