HONDA Keyless Entry System Owner's ...

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HONDA Keyless Entry System Owner's Manual, Auto warsztat, Materiały szkoleniowe, Honda

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//-->Keyless Entry System Owner’s ManualContentsIntroduction .................................................................................... 3Precautions .................................................................................... 4Remote Control TransmitterControls and Functions ............................................................. 6Battery Replacement ................................................................ 8Remote Control Code ProgrammingHow to Program Remote Control Transmitters ......................... 9Please write the serial number of the remote control below. Keep this booklet as arecord of your purchase.Remote Control No.:No.:Main Unit No.:2© 2002 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved.IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of this Honda Keyless EntrySystem.Your Honda Keyless Entry System is the product of years ofresearch and development. It will give you many years of reliableperformance, protection, and convenience.The system consists of a remote control transmitter.The remote control allows you to operate from outside the vehiclewhile simultaneously locking and unlocking the doors. Thetransmitter can also be used to intentionally activate the horn incase of an emergency.To take full advantage of your Honda Keyless Entry System, weencourage you to read this manual thoroughly.This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference and (2) This device must accept anyinterference that may be received including interference that maycause undesired operation.© 2002 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved.3PrecautionsRemote Control RangeSeveral factors affect and reduceremote control range. Amongthese are:1. Proximity to buildings andautomobiles.2. Proximity to high powertransmitters (television,radio, cellular, HAM radio,etc.).3. When the battery becomesweak, the remote controlrange becomes short.Vehicle construction and thesurrounding environment causereflected waves that mayinterfere with the low power RFsignal transmitted by the remotecontrol. This interference mayresult in "dead spots" around thevehicle; places where remotecontrol signals will not beaccepted by the main unit.TemperatureAvoid exposing the remotecontrol transmitter to extremehot or cold weather conditions.LiquidsNever submerge the RemoteControl Transmitter in water.Handling RemoteControl TransmitterThe remote control transmitter isa sophisticated electronic device.To maintain optimum systemperformance, avoid mishandlingthe remote control (i.e. dropping,throwing).4© 2002 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved.PrecautionsBattery PowerUse the remote controltransmitter only when necessary.Every time a button is pressed,the remote control is consumingbattery power.If battery is low on power, thetransmitting range of the remotecontrol will be affected. Checkbattery periodically and replace itwhen necessary.In Case of LossIf one of your remote control transmitters is ever lost, contact yourlocal Honda dealer for a replacement. Your system will bereprogrammed to prevent the lost remote control transmitter fromoperating your system. In this case, take all the other remote controltransmitters to have them reprogrammed.If you own extra remotes, bring it all to the dealer forreprogramming.P A N I COutside CleaningUse a soft cloth to clean the mainunit and remote control.Do not use kerosene, thinner orany other type of solvent.© 2002 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved.5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]