hkf2, AWF Wychowanie fizyczne, HKF
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t by Opera412383988="Opera-smÃ¥program"; Label for checkbox to enable svg to be handled or not by Opera-1293171827="SVG"; Text to make Opera search for phrase %1 with search engine %2-246384058="Søk etter "%1" med %2"; Tooltip when the mouse hovers a feed icon on a Web page-995213225="Info-kanalliste"; Tooltip when the mouse hovers a widget icon (similar to a feed icon) on a; Web page665077671="SmÃ¥programliste"; Tab label in the certificate manager, contains the user-approved; certificates-684023925="Godtekne"; Caption for file chooser dialog when selecting Opera 7/8/9 Mail (M2); configuration file for mail import-1962327857="Vel innstillingsfila til Opera Mail 7/8/9/10, accounts.ini"; Used in security information dialog to describe the permanently accepted; situation.-265640213="Sambandet til %s er ikkje trygt og bør ikkje nyttast til Ã¥ utveksla sensitiv informasjon.\n\nÃ…tvaringar er slÃ¥tt av for desse problema: "; Used in security information dialog on the checkbox to remove from; remembered list.98463123="SjÃ¥ vekk frÃ¥ Ã¥tvaring(ar) pÃ¥ denne nettstaden"; Used in security information dialog on the checkbox to remove from; remembered refused list.221648680="Slutta Ã¥ avvisa sambandet mot denne staden"; Title for the certificate import failure dialog.1617343215="Sertifikatproblem"; The title of the developer tools window391062233="Utviklarverktøy"; Title for warning dialog about going to a url containing username-894273081="Ã…tvaring: nettstadadressa inneheld eit brukarnamn"; Title for warning dialog about form POST redirect1650146052="Ã…tvaring: skjemavidaresending (POST)"; Title for warning dialog getting Timeout while doing a form POST-714055399="Ã…tvaring: tidsavbrot skjema (POST)"; In the password field, this grayed-out text is displayed in place of a; password-1611929239="[Passordet er gøymd]"; Descriptive label next to checkbox that limits irc chat notifications to; personal messages only1878958119="Avgrens varsel til berre personlege meldingar"; Descriptive label next to checkbox to show or hide notifications from; widgets307533515="Vis smÃ¥programvarsel"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the personal certificates tab in the; certificate manangement dialog-1503548966="Klientsertifikat identifiserer deg under overføringar med trygge nettstader"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the Authorities tab in the certificate; manangement dialog967421671="Sertifiseringsinstansar stadfestar identiteten til nettstader"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the Intermediate tab in the certificate; manangement dialog5626417="Mellombels sertifiseringsinstansar stadfestar identiteten til nettstader"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the Approved tab in the certificate; management dialog. Example: the certificate has expired on a server on; your intranet. You trust the server, and approve the certificate.1314557838="Du har godteke desse sertifikata som har tryggleiksproblem"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the Rejected tab in the certificate; management dialog.-484689509="Du har avvist desse sertifikata sidan dei har tryggleiksproblem"; Header of the first column in the certificate manager dialog, under the; tab labeled Personal-1964690591="Klientsertifikat"; Header of the first column in the certificate manager dialog, under the; tab labeled Authorities1462031078="Sertifiseringsinstans"; Header of the first column in the certificate manager dialog, under the; tab labeled Intermediate-230878888="Mellombels sertifiseringsinstans"; Label for the checkbox that enables indexing of content for full-text; history search1852383544="Hugs innhaldet til besøkte sider"; Checkbox that gives blanket permission to set cookies for this domain887765518="Hugs valet for alle informasjonskapsle til dette domenet"; Checkbox that allows users to accept cookie(s), but have the choice reset; (ie. cookies deleted) when the browser is closed-1990224792="Tvungen sletting nÃ¥r Opera blir avslutta"; Button that opens the preferences in order to set browser-wide cookie; preferences (ie. don't ask about cookies any more)320231299="Innstillingar..."; Toggle button that allows to either show or hide detailed cookie; information-1464355680="Informasjonskapselopplysningar"; Label for the name of the cookie494608698="Namn:"; Label for the value of the cookie-848295274="Verdi:"; Label for the expiration date set in the cookie (either a date, or 'at the; end of the session')48739257="GÃ¥r ut:"; Label for the domain/server the cookie is sent from1383207217="Domene:"; Label for the path set in the cookie (where exactly the cookie is sent; from)494680806="Filbane:"; Label for the comment set in the cookie1405124204="Merknad:"; Label for the comment URL set in the cookie18115423="Merknadsadresse:"; The ask cookie dialog title1167243682="Tilboden informasjonskapsel"; Identifies the server that requests the cookie (in bold)1990848092="Informasjonskapsel frÃ¥ nettstaden: "; Identifies the domain the cookie is set for-720574513="For domenet:"; Title of dialog asking the user for password used to encrypt the account; passwords-1880125238="Kontoimport: hovudpassord"; Message on dialog for asking the user for password used to encrypt the; account passwords635196941="Dersom kontoen du importerer inneheld passord som er verna av eit hovudpassord, skriv det inn nedanfor.\nDersom ikkje, trykk Avbryt."; Title of dialog asking the user for password used to encrypt the account; passwords1229454423="Kontooppgradering: hovudpassord"; Message on dialog for asking the user for password used to encrypt the; account passwords-1761748774="Dersom kontoen du oppgraderer inneheld passord som er verna av eit hovudpassord, skriv det inn nedanfor.\nDersom ikkje, trykk Avbryt."; Save Session Dialog checkbox to save only the active window-1483754030="Lagra berre vindauget som er i bruk"; Description next to the synchronized typed history checkbox in the Link; options1415550818="Skriven historikk"; Description next to the synchronized searches checkbox in the Link options452958393="Søk"; Checkbox option for offline messages in mail preferences-1770568555="Gjer ikkje meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla"-1080445918="Gjer meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla og eg klikkar dei"2081008953="Gjer alle meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla"; Checkbox for enabling or disabling low bandwidth mode-1106072236="LÃ¥gbandbreiddsmodus"; Checkbox for not fetching attachments when checking for mail-695256861="Hent ikkje meldingsvedlegga"; Label for checkbox option in account properties57004679="Meldingstilgang nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla:"; Title for dialog that asks user if messages should be made available for; offline use now-626986686="Gjer meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla"; Text for dialog that asks user if messages should be made available for; offline use now-1620633759="Du har vald Ã¥ gjera alle meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla. Vil du at Opera skal henta alle meldingane for bruk nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla? Dette kan ta ei stund."; Error message when TLS negotiation with mail server fails-2074586271="Opera klarte ikkje Ã¥ laga eit sikkert samband mot tenaren. Prøv Ã¥ slÃ¥ av sikre samband for denne kontoen."; Error dialog that pops up if user tries to subscribe to a feed whe M2 is; disabled from opera:config-953277992="Opera sin e-postklient er ikkje i teken bruk. Du mÃ¥ slÃ¥ han pÃ¥ for Ã¥ kunna abonnera pÃ¥ info-kanalar."; Title for error dialog that pops up if user tries to subscribe to a feed; while M2 is disabled from opera:config173652217="Klarte ikkje Ã¥ abonnera pÃ¥ info-kanalen"; POP3 Setting to remove messages from the server when they are removed from; the mail client, by emptying Trash or other form of permanent deletion.; Subitem of Leave messages on server-248967502="Fram til eg fjernar dei for godt"; Advanced browsing preference to show the scroll boundary when scrolling; near end of page-1033103720="Vis rullefeltmarkøren"; Option in mailto choice dialog-2028163111="Bruk ei nettbasert e-postteneste"; password dialog warning when submitting password in cleartext163980025="Passordet ditt blir sendt utan kryptering"; Button to open the signature editor from the account properties dialog-490892031="Endra signaturen..."; Title of the mail account signature editor dialog866022083="Signaturbehandlar"; Checkbox label in the mail signature editor.1445703806="La alle kontoane bruka den noverande signaturen"; Explanation for the mail account signature editor dialog. %s will be; replace with the account name.-1992029058="Den følgjande teksten vil bli lagt til %s sine utgÃ¥ande meldingar."; Caption in dialog when asking the user to input the image URL when the; user wants to add an image in his signature884608323="Skriv inn nettadressa til biletet"; Title in dialog when asking the user to input the image URL when... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
t by Opera412383988="Opera-smÃ¥program"; Label for checkbox to enable svg to be handled or not by Opera-1293171827="SVG"; Text to make Opera search for phrase %1 with search engine %2-246384058="Søk etter "%1" med %2"; Tooltip when the mouse hovers a feed icon on a Web page-995213225="Info-kanalliste"; Tooltip when the mouse hovers a widget icon (similar to a feed icon) on a; Web page665077671="SmÃ¥programliste"; Tab label in the certificate manager, contains the user-approved; certificates-684023925="Godtekne"; Caption for file chooser dialog when selecting Opera 7/8/9 Mail (M2); configuration file for mail import-1962327857="Vel innstillingsfila til Opera Mail 7/8/9/10, accounts.ini"; Used in security information dialog to describe the permanently accepted; situation.-265640213="Sambandet til %s er ikkje trygt og bør ikkje nyttast til Ã¥ utveksla sensitiv informasjon.\n\nÃ…tvaringar er slÃ¥tt av for desse problema: "; Used in security information dialog on the checkbox to remove from; remembered list.98463123="SjÃ¥ vekk frÃ¥ Ã¥tvaring(ar) pÃ¥ denne nettstaden"; Used in security information dialog on the checkbox to remove from; remembered refused list.221648680="Slutta Ã¥ avvisa sambandet mot denne staden"; Title for the certificate import failure dialog.1617343215="Sertifikatproblem"; The title of the developer tools window391062233="Utviklarverktøy"; Title for warning dialog about going to a url containing username-894273081="Ã…tvaring: nettstadadressa inneheld eit brukarnamn"; Title for warning dialog about form POST redirect1650146052="Ã…tvaring: skjemavidaresending (POST)"; Title for warning dialog getting Timeout while doing a form POST-714055399="Ã…tvaring: tidsavbrot skjema (POST)"; In the password field, this grayed-out text is displayed in place of a; password-1611929239="[Passordet er gøymd]"; Descriptive label next to checkbox that limits irc chat notifications to; personal messages only1878958119="Avgrens varsel til berre personlege meldingar"; Descriptive label next to checkbox to show or hide notifications from; widgets307533515="Vis smÃ¥programvarsel"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the personal certificates tab in the; certificate manangement dialog-1503548966="Klientsertifikat identifiserer deg under overføringar med trygge nettstader"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the Authorities tab in the certificate; manangement dialog967421671="Sertifiseringsinstansar stadfestar identiteten til nettstader"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the Intermediate tab in the certificate; manangement dialog5626417="Mellombels sertifiseringsinstansar stadfestar identiteten til nettstader"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the Approved tab in the certificate; management dialog. Example: the certificate has expired on a server on; your intranet. You trust the server, and approve the certificate.1314557838="Du har godteke desse sertifikata som har tryggleiksproblem"; Descriptive text at the bottom of the Rejected tab in the certificate; management dialog.-484689509="Du har avvist desse sertifikata sidan dei har tryggleiksproblem"; Header of the first column in the certificate manager dialog, under the; tab labeled Personal-1964690591="Klientsertifikat"; Header of the first column in the certificate manager dialog, under the; tab labeled Authorities1462031078="Sertifiseringsinstans"; Header of the first column in the certificate manager dialog, under the; tab labeled Intermediate-230878888="Mellombels sertifiseringsinstans"; Label for the checkbox that enables indexing of content for full-text; history search1852383544="Hugs innhaldet til besøkte sider"; Checkbox that gives blanket permission to set cookies for this domain887765518="Hugs valet for alle informasjonskapsle til dette domenet"; Checkbox that allows users to accept cookie(s), but have the choice reset; (ie. cookies deleted) when the browser is closed-1990224792="Tvungen sletting nÃ¥r Opera blir avslutta"; Button that opens the preferences in order to set browser-wide cookie; preferences (ie. don't ask about cookies any more)320231299="Innstillingar..."; Toggle button that allows to either show or hide detailed cookie; information-1464355680="Informasjonskapselopplysningar"; Label for the name of the cookie494608698="Namn:"; Label for the value of the cookie-848295274="Verdi:"; Label for the expiration date set in the cookie (either a date, or 'at the; end of the session')48739257="GÃ¥r ut:"; Label for the domain/server the cookie is sent from1383207217="Domene:"; Label for the path set in the cookie (where exactly the cookie is sent; from)494680806="Filbane:"; Label for the comment set in the cookie1405124204="Merknad:"; Label for the comment URL set in the cookie18115423="Merknadsadresse:"; The ask cookie dialog title1167243682="Tilboden informasjonskapsel"; Identifies the server that requests the cookie (in bold)1990848092="Informasjonskapsel frÃ¥ nettstaden: "; Identifies the domain the cookie is set for-720574513="For domenet:"; Title of dialog asking the user for password used to encrypt the account; passwords-1880125238="Kontoimport: hovudpassord"; Message on dialog for asking the user for password used to encrypt the; account passwords635196941="Dersom kontoen du importerer inneheld passord som er verna av eit hovudpassord, skriv det inn nedanfor.\nDersom ikkje, trykk Avbryt."; Title of dialog asking the user for password used to encrypt the account; passwords1229454423="Kontooppgradering: hovudpassord"; Message on dialog for asking the user for password used to encrypt the; account passwords-1761748774="Dersom kontoen du oppgraderer inneheld passord som er verna av eit hovudpassord, skriv det inn nedanfor.\nDersom ikkje, trykk Avbryt."; Save Session Dialog checkbox to save only the active window-1483754030="Lagra berre vindauget som er i bruk"; Description next to the synchronized typed history checkbox in the Link; options1415550818="Skriven historikk"; Description next to the synchronized searches checkbox in the Link options452958393="Søk"; Checkbox option for offline messages in mail preferences-1770568555="Gjer ikkje meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla"-1080445918="Gjer meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla og eg klikkar dei"2081008953="Gjer alle meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla"; Checkbox for enabling or disabling low bandwidth mode-1106072236="LÃ¥gbandbreiddsmodus"; Checkbox for not fetching attachments when checking for mail-695256861="Hent ikkje meldingsvedlegga"; Label for checkbox option in account properties57004679="Meldingstilgang nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla:"; Title for dialog that asks user if messages should be made available for; offline use now-626986686="Gjer meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla"; Text for dialog that asks user if messages should be made available for; offline use now-1620633759="Du har vald Ã¥ gjera alle meldingane tilgjengelege nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla. Vil du at Opera skal henta alle meldingane for bruk nÃ¥r frÃ¥kopla? Dette kan ta ei stund."; Error message when TLS negotiation with mail server fails-2074586271="Opera klarte ikkje Ã¥ laga eit sikkert samband mot tenaren. Prøv Ã¥ slÃ¥ av sikre samband for denne kontoen."; Error dialog that pops up if user tries to subscribe to a feed whe M2 is; disabled from opera:config-953277992="Opera sin e-postklient er ikkje i teken bruk. Du mÃ¥ slÃ¥ han pÃ¥ for Ã¥ kunna abonnera pÃ¥ info-kanalar."; Title for error dialog that pops up if user tries to subscribe to a feed; while M2 is disabled from opera:config173652217="Klarte ikkje Ã¥ abonnera pÃ¥ info-kanalen"; POP3 Setting to remove messages from the server when they are removed from; the mail client, by emptying Trash or other form of permanent deletion.; Subitem of Leave messages on server-248967502="Fram til eg fjernar dei for godt"; Advanced browsing preference to show the scroll boundary when scrolling; near end of page-1033103720="Vis rullefeltmarkøren"; Option in mailto choice dialog-2028163111="Bruk ei nettbasert e-postteneste"; password dialog warning when submitting password in cleartext163980025="Passordet ditt blir sendt utan kryptering"; Button to open the signature editor from the account properties dialog-490892031="Endra signaturen..."; Title of the mail account signature editor dialog866022083="Signaturbehandlar"; Checkbox label in the mail signature editor.1445703806="La alle kontoane bruka den noverande signaturen"; Explanation for the mail account signature editor dialog. %s will be; replace with the account name.-1992029058="Den følgjande teksten vil bli lagt til %s sine utgÃ¥ande meldingar."; Caption in dialog when asking the user to input the image URL when the; user wants to add an image in his signature884608323="Skriv inn nettadressa til biletet"; Title in dialog when asking the user to input the image URL when... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]